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Sightmark Pistol Laser Boresight


Sightmark® Pistol Laser Boresights provide the most convenient and accurate method for sighting in pistols specific to the bore sight’s caliber. Simply chamber the bore sight like a regular bullet and a laser dot will show exactly where the pistol is aiming; it’s easy to sight in your rearm or scope without firing a single shot. Perfect for hunters, competitive shooters and law enforcement, the SightmarkTM Pistol Laser Bore Sight is sure to take the frustration out of sighting in almost any pistol. The bore sights are easy to use and will quickly save both time and money by avoiding prolonged live fire tests at the range; use the extra ammo for honing those shooting skills and for the hunt. A lightweight carrying pouch protects the laser boresighter for convenient use in the field. The SightmarkTM Pistol Laser Bore Sight is available in the most common calibers for use with the most popular pistols.

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Sightmark Pistol Laser Boresight

Sightmark Pistol Laser Boresights provide the most convenient and accurate method for sighting in pistols specific to the bore sight’s caliber. Simply chamber the bore sight like a regular bullet and a laser dot will show exactly where the pistol is aiming; it’s easy to sight in your rearm or scope without firing a single shot. Perfect for hunters, competitive shooters and law enforcement, the SightmarkTM Pistol Laser Bore Sight is sure to take the frustration out of sighting in almost any pistol. The bore sights are easy to use and will quickly save both time and money by avoiding prolonged live fire tests at the range; use the extra ammo for honing those shooting skills and for the hunt. A lightweight carrying pouch protects the laser boresighter for convenient use in the field.

Pistol Laser Boresight Features

Precision Accuracy.

Reliable And Durable.

Fastest Gun Zeroing And Sighting System.

Reduce Wasted Cartridges And Shells.

Compact And Lightweight.

Easy To Pack And Travel.

Comes With A Carrying Case.


Battery pack Carrying case.



Laser wavelength (nm) 632-650
LED type visible red laser
Power (mW ) <1
Battery type






Battery life (hour) 1
Range for sighting (yd) 15-100
Dot size (in @ 100yds) 2
Operation  on/off end cap
Construction brass
Temperature (o) -10 – 50


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